This newsletter is posted on the Science Tokyo website and on Slack around the first week of every month, providing updated information on academic affairs useful for all current Science Tokyo students.
[Student Division]
1. [Science and Engineering] 2024 Fall Semester's Grade(Score and Result)
It will be seen on the Web system from 2025 February.28(Fri)
2. [Science and Engineering] Using Learning Portfolio System
2024-3Q-4Q Grades will be released on Web system for S&F on February 28(Fri)
Please review your studies in 3Q-4Q.
You can use Learning Portfolio System to record continuously your goals and
activities which could be useful information for you in the future.
3. [Science and Engineering] "Pre-registration" of Humanities and Social Science Courses in 1Q and 2Q 2025
Undergraduate students and master's students (master's degree program
and professional master's degree program) who are planning to take
Humanities and Social Science courses in 1Q and 2Q 2025 are advised to go through the "pre-registration"
procedure on the Web System for Students and Faculty prior to the course registration period.
Details will be announced by email.
Please be sure to check emails sent from the university during spring break.
(Emails will be sent to “” addresses.)
There are many courses for which the number of applicants reach full capacity
by pre-registration. Be sure to pre-register if you plan to take any Humanities
and Social Science courses.
Regarding 300-level Humanities and Social Science courses, pre-registration
will not be held. If you plan to take 300-level course(s), just register it/them
during the course registration period.
※For undergraduate and master's students of spring (April) 2025 admission,
registration instructions will be given at the time of enrollment procedures.
4. [Science and Engineering] The Web System for Students and Faculty will be shut down during the following period.
From 2025 Mar.29 (Sat) 0:00
To 2025 Apr.1 (Tue) 13:00
5. [Science and Engineering] 2025 Spring Semester(1st and 2nd Quarter)will begin from Apr.5(Sat)
Your class schedules are opened on the Web.
⇒Academic Calendar
6. [Science and Engineering] Timetables of 2025 Spring Semester(1st and 2nd Quarter)
【Undergraduate School】
You can check them on Web from 2025 Mar.14 (Fri).
⇒Undergraduate Timetables
【Graduate School】
You can check them on Web from 2025 Mar.14 (Fri).
⇒Graduate Timetables
Note: Course syllabi will be publicly available after Mid-March.
7. [Science and Engineering] The automatic certificate machine will be suspended.
From 2025 Mar.26(Wed) To 2025 Apr. 1 (Tue) 1:30 p.m.
8. [Science and Engineering] Renewal of a student ID card
If your student ID card expires in March, 2025, you should apply for card
Please check the following Web page.
Applying for an IC card and having an IC card reissued
Apply by(Undergraduate student): Wednesday, February 5 - Friday, March 7, 2025
Apply by(Graduate student): Friday, March 7, 2025
We will tell you a pick-up date when you apply.
*You may apply after the deadline, but a new student ID card might be ready
after the expiration date.
9. [Science and Engineering] Spring Graduation Ceremony 2024
The Spring Graduation Ceremony 2024 will take place as follows:
Date and Time
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Sports Center, Ookayama Campus
For details, please refer to the link below.
[Academy for Leadership]
(1) [CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS!] Academy for Leadership briefing sessions for all master's students (Enrollment of the 8th cohort starting 2Q AY2025)
Academy for Leadership (ToTAL) will hold briefing sessions for all master's students!
- What is Academy for Leadership (ToTAL)?
ToTAL is an extracurricular excellence program for students from all Schools and various backgrounds to develop leadership skills to bring out the best in one another and become innovative global citizens in a rapidly-changing era.
*Tuition exemption and financial support for 3-months off-campus project available during doctoral degree program. (*Conditions apply. Financial support after AY 2028 is to be decided.)
- Briefing session schedule:
[Day 1] Tuesday, April 15, 2025, 5:30 p.m. - 6:30p.m., venue to be decided, Ookayama Campus(*To be held in Japanese. Questions in English are welcome.)
[Day 2] Thursday, April 17, 2025, 5:30 p.m. - 6:30p.m., venue to be decided, Suzukakedai Campus(*To be held in English.)
- To attend in person, please come directly to the venue. No registration necessary. The venue will be announced on our website below, next month’s monthly mail news, news/event on Science Tokyo current students’ website, and on Science Tokyo Slack. Current ToTAL students are planned to attend each session to answer questions and hold consultations after the briefing session.
- To attend online, register from this link.
- For the latest information, visit our website.
- Eligibility for the ToTAL program: Science Tokyo master's students(M1, M2)
- Reference (ToTAL website)
- Reference (ToTAL introductory video)
(2) ToTAL/Open Programs:
Academy for Leadership (ToTAL) is offering more than 20 kinds of workshops annually for fostering and developing leadership and entrepreneurship mindset and skills. Regardless of whether you are in ToTAL or not, or whether you are an undergraduate or a graduate student, any student can apply to participate in these workshops.
In addition, you can register for Entrepreneurship courses that consist of a combination of those workshops to acquire credits and GAs.
[Details and application]
- Call for participants!!
1. <Briefing session on business creation workshop “Lean Launchpad Program (LLP)” to be offered in 1Q-2Q AY2025>
-Date and time: Tuesday, April 8, 2025, 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m .
-Venue: [In person] Room S6-309B, Ookayama Campus
[Online] Zoom link will be notified to registrants on a later date.
-Outline: Lean Launchpad Program (LLP), a full-scale business creation workshop for developing and incubating new businesses as a team, will be held approximately two months starting from the end of May 2025. The workshop is for any student who are interested in starting a business, business creation, entrepreneurship and leadership. Any Science Tokyo student may participate.
It is especially suitable for the following students:
a. Those who are thinking of participating in business competitions or raising funds in the future
b. Those who do not have a clear business idea yet but are interested in starting a business
c. Those who are interested in working for a company in the future
d. Those who are interested in creating new values
e. Those who are interested in leadership/entrepreneurship
-Details and application
2. <An orientation about “ToTAL Open Programs”, entrepreneurship courses that both ToTAL and non-ToTAL students may apply/attend>
-Date and time: Friday, April 4, 2025, 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. (for graduate students)
*For undergraduates and ToTAL students, briefing sessions will be held separately.
-Details and registration
-Venue: [In person] Room S6-309B, Ookayama Campus
[Online] Zoom link will be notified to registrants on a later date.
-Outline: Schedule, outline of the contents (workshop) of AY 2025-1Q2Q ToTAL Open Programs and how to join the programs will be explained.
(3) [Science and Engineering] Looking for interesting courses to take?
ToTAL offers ALL students (including students not registered in ToTAL) various kinds of courses which enhance your abilities, and those curricula must be worthwhile to experience. Take our courses if you are interested!
The following are some of the courses to be offered in Q1, AY 2025.
TAL.W401-01 Introduction to Leadership A
-Language: English
-Quarter/day/period: 1Q/Fridays/Periods 3-4
-Classroom: J3-309B, Suzukakedai campus (*This course is offered at Suzukakedai Campus in 1Q only.)
-Course description: This course is designed to help students define the concept of leadership and they will also be introduced to a variety of communication techniques that are essential for working with people from different cultural or professional backgrounds. A strong emphasis is put on learning by doing; students will be asked to do group activities, in which they get to develop the skills that are the key to successful co-creation.
*This course is a deemed entrepreneurship course and GA0M can be obtained.
TAL.S603 Leadership Facilitation Practicum
-Language: English
-Quarter/day/period: 1-2Q/Mondays and others/Periods 5-6 (7 classes during the spring semester)
-Classroom: S6-305A, Ookayama campus and J3-309B, Suzukakedai Campus
-Course description : This course invites students to become aware of social issues and to plan events where we can all learn from people who are exercising leadership in grappling with these problems.
Moreover, students will learn the practicalities of engaging in discourse on social issues through effective dialogue among participants.
*This course is a deemed entrepreneurship course and GA1D can be obtained.
(Reference) Entire course syllabi of ToTAL
*Note: ToTAL students take precedence when the seats are being allocated. For more information and latest information, please check our website, Graduate Course Timetables and OCW.
ToTAL Office
[Academy of Super Smart Society]
-- Information Session for WISE-SSS Admissions &SSS Matching Workshop --
◎Date: Wednesday, April 23, 2025
◎Time: 17:15 - 18:00 (in English)
18:00 - 18:45 (in Japanese)
◎Holding Method: Online via Zoom
◎Target audience: Science Tokyo students
◎How to Apply & More Details: Please refer to this link( will be released soon ).
Student Interview
--- WISE program for Super Smart Society ---
The program's objective is to help students develop competencies and skills they will need to become "knowledge professionals" integrating physical space technologies with cyberspace technologies as well as combining advanced sciences and technologies, such as quantum science and artificial intelligence.
Academy of Super Smart Society
Contact: Academy of Super Smart Society Office
--- On-demand Courses of SSS Innovation ---
Cross-oriented on-demand classes for all students. Students will learn about issues, initiatives, and implementation methods from lecturers from leading companies and organizations in various fields in On-demand classes. Diverse opinions from different fields of expertise in online discussions stimulate new research possibilities. Based on the content of the lecture videos, students are evaluated through discussions among themselves and between students and lecturers.
SSS Online
Schedule for AY2025
1Q April 8: A6 Smart Ocean
2Q June 10: A5 Manufacturing Process Innovation
3Q Oct 1: A4 Frontiers of Smart Workplace
4Q Dec 3: New! A7: Quantum Science and Technology Close at Hand
[SSS.S407] SSS Innovation A7: Quantum Science and Technology Close at Hand
Lecturers: Toshiba Corporation, Fujitsu Limited, National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology, Hitachi, Ltd, TOPPAN Holdings Inc
Inquiry: Online Education, The Academy of Super Smart Society
[Super Smart Society Promotion Consortium]
The 10th Super Smart Society Promotion Forum
" Fusion of Ocean and Technologies to Innovate Super Smart Society: Pioneering Solutions for Global Issues"
Through lectures by 11 speakers, this forum will explore the progress of marine technology and the possibility of its social implementation with an eye toward a smart society.
Date and time: March 19, 2025 13:00 - 18:10
Method: In-person (Ookayama Campus) + Zoom
Application: Please visit this link
<Contact> Super Smart Society Promotion Consortium Secretariat
Web site
[Institute of Science Tokyo Academy of Energy and Informatics (ISE)]
Institute of Science Tokyo Academy of Energy and Informatics (ISE)
Institute of Science Tokyo Academy of Energy and Informatics will hold a recruitment briefing session for those who might be interested in our Academy.
Information for registration to the session will be announced on our HP when time approaches.
- April 7,Mon. 9,Wed. 2025 12:30 - 13:30. Contents are the same on both days.
Japanese Language and English Language
- Online Zoom Meeting
[Who can attend]
- Undergraduate students
- Master's students and professional master's students
- Doctoral students
- Apr. 7, 2025
- Apr. 9, 2025
Academy of Energy and Informatics(ISE) - To all students who are considering to apply for ISE
Academy of Energy and Informatics/ Management operation office
[Center for Entrepreneurship Education]
[Leadership and Innovation Section]
1.Briefing session on Entrepreneurship Courses (Leadership, Value Creation courses) to be held on April 4!
All Science Tokyo students are highly recommended or required to obtain credits from Entrepreneurship Courses.
<Bachelor's students> At least 2 courses and three or more credits from Entrepreneurship Education Core Courses (Course certificate will be issued to those who fulfill the requirements)
<Master's students> Required to take at least 2 credits to fulfil 2 GAs
<Doctoral students> Required to take at least 4 credits to fulfil 2 GAs
At Center for Entrepreneurship Education, various courses are offered for students who want to enhance the following key elements of entrepreneurship: leadership and value creation.
Attend a briefing session for undergraduate and graduate students on April 4 to learn more.
- Undergraduates (for mainly 2nd year bachelor's students in AY 2025):
Friday, April 4, 2025, 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. (In Japanese, in person and online)
- Graduates (Master's and Doctoral students):
Friday, April 4, 2025, 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. (In Japanese and English, in person and online)
- Details & registration
- Reference
2. [Science and Engineering] "Introduction to Entrepreneurship" (200-level Entrepreneurship Course to be held in AY 2025)
"Introduction to Entrepreneurship" is one of the 200-level Entrepreneurship courses to be offered for bachelor's students in AY 2025. It is a fundamental course for understanding entrepreneurship in the broad sense as defined by Science Tokyo. Entrepreneurship is the mindset and skills that is required not only in starting a business, but also in various organizations in society, including companies, academia/research institutions, government agencies, international organizations, and NGOs/NPOs. We encourage you to take this course in AY 2025!
- ENT.B201 Introduction to Entrepreneurship
-Language: Japanese
-Quarter/day/period: 2Q, Tuesdays, Periods 3-4
-Classroom: TBD (Ookayama Campus)
-Course description: This course broadens our comprehensive understanding of entrepreneurship, including startups. It also focuses on examining the impact of social systems on entrepreneurship from an interdisciplinary perspective. Specifically, the course will cover the fundamentals of systems surrounding entrepreneurship, such as economics, politics, geopolitics, security, marketing, and management.
General Administration Group, Student Division