Current students

Tutors for international students

New international students arriving in Japan face various challenges and difficulties as they begin their new life, such as differences in language and lifestyle. Therefore, Science Tokyo has established a tutoring system for international students, where current students support new international students to smoothly settle in Japan and improve their academic and research outcomes. This system also aims to enhance the international understanding, cross-cultural awareness, and interest in international cooperation among the students serving as tutors. 

What tutors shall do for new students

The support needed varies depending on the individual situation of each international student. To respond to the diverse needs of the students, tutors should proceed by confirming what kind of support is necessary for their assigned student. Here are some examples of support:

Examples of Support in Daily Life

  • Explaining Japanese culture and customs
  • Assisting with opening a bank account
  • Helping with procedures at city hall (residence registration, enrollment in National Health Insurance)
  • Assisting with shopping
  • Accompanying to hospitals

Examples of Academic Support

  • Introducing on-campus facilities (various offices, the library, classrooms, the Healthcare Center, etc.)
  • Providing support in laboratories
  • Assisting with course registration

Overview of the International Student Tutor System

Students hired by Science Tokyo as tutors provide support for the academic and daily lives of their assigned international students. For details on the hiring process, job duties, and reporting of working hours for tutors, please refer to the guidelines for your field below.


International Student Support Group, Student Support Division

Yushima International Student Support Group, Yushima Student Support Office, Student Support Division